
Wrinkles on the forehead: how to remove them? / Spain News

Araceli NicolasAraceli Nicolas



The wrinkles on the forehead are expression or dynamic wrinkles, that is, those that are produced by the repetition of a movement, in this specific case, by the repetitive contraction of the frontalis muscle. Although they are wrinkles that, in principle, are only visible when gesturing, over time, they go away deepening and they are appreciated even when the muscle is relaxed. Frown It is constantly the main reason for the appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, but there are other factors that also contribute to the fact that these expression lines can appear at an early age.

The Dr. Beatriz Valero Serrano, an expert in aesthetic medicine and director of the clinic that bears her name, explains that “the wrinkles on the forehead are beginning to show up around 35-40 years, and over time, they end up being static and permanent wrinkles, because the gathering areas lose collagen and elasticity.

Although the normal thing is that they appear over the years, they are also seen in young people, because these wrinkles have a lot to do with expressiveness of the face and skin type (They appear before in fine and dry skin) ».

Moisturizing the skin and sun protection help prevent wrinkles on the forehead

Moisturizing your skin is one of the essential steps in caring for your health and beauty. A hydrated skin it is stronger against external agents such as cold, and it also looks brighter and more beautiful. But, in addition, as the Dr. José María Ricart, medical director of the Ricart Medical Institute at Ruber Internacional Paseo de la Habana Madrid, «skin hydration is essential to prevent wrinklesThat is why they tend to appear earlier in dry and especially dehydrated skin. You have to follow a proper skin care routine, ensuring its hydration. In addition to hydrating the skin, Dr. Beatriz Beltrán, an aesthetic doctor specializing in anti-aging and orthomolecular nutrition, and director of the homonymous clinic, recommends “using a beauty routine at night that contains retinol to achieve that the skin is more elastic and that it adapts much more to the muscular movement of that area ”.

On the other hand, Dr. José María Ricart adds that another factor that can cause wrinkles on the forehead to appear earlier and more markedly is sun exposure. “The prolonged exposure to the sun without protection it directly affects the deterioration of collagen, which is a fundamental protein for maintaining skin elasticity and preventing wrinkles.

Keeping the skin hydrated and using sunscreen daily helps prevent wrinkles on the forehead from coming out prematurely.
Keeping the skin hydrated and using sunscreen daily helps prevent wrinkles on the forehead from coming out prematurely. – Gtres

Despite the dry and fine skin are the most prone to an early appearance of wrinkles on the forehead, the doctor Carlos Morales Rayto, a clinical and aesthetic dermatologist and director of the clinic that bears his name, comments that they are “the oily and thick skin in which, with the passage of time, wrinkles are able to go deeper and therefore more difficult to correct ».

Botox, the best treatment to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead

When it comes to dynamic wrinkles in the upper third of the face, the Botulinum toxin It becomes the most recommended treatment by experts to eliminate them and also to prevent them. «By using the contraction force is decreased to achieve flattening the wrinkle and prevent further deepening. It is used in certain areas and at different depths to relax the muscles without paralyzing it, thus obtaining a effective and natural result», Says Dr. Morales Raya.

Botox is the best treatment to prevent and correct wrinkles on the forehead.
Botox is the best treatment to prevent and correct wrinkles on the forehead. – Gtres

The botox It is, perhaps, the aesthetic treatment with the worst reputation. According to Dr. Beatriz Valero Serrano «unfounded. It is a widely tested and studied drug, which is used in the treatment of some neurological and ophthalmological pathologies. In aesthetic medicine it has been used for more than 20 years with very good results. But it is essential that it be applied only by medical professionals with proper training. The face does not swell or change after infiltrations of the toxin, expressiveness is not lost, wrinkles don’t get worse after the disappearance of the effect. It is a very safe and effective that smooths existing wrinkles and prevents the appearance of new ones. It can be applied at any time of the year, allows the patient to get back into their usual routine immediately and is practically painless». The effects of botox usually last between 4 and 6 months, depending on factors such as skin thickness, muscle power, gesticulation … So for the results to be maintained over time it is necessary to repeat it at least twice a year.

Other treatments that also help improve them

When the wrinkles on the forehead are very marked and are visible even without gesturing, Dr. Beatriz Beltrán advises «to use a hyaluronic acid treatment, to fill in that marked wrinkle and make it disappear ». Among the benefits of hyaluronic acid, Dr. Ricart points out “to hydrate the skin, by helping to retain water in the epidermis, facilitating the rcellular innovation and maintain the correct structure of the skin ”. Hyaluronic acid is a substance that the body reabsorbs over timeIn other words, it is also necessary to repeat the infiltrations to prolong the results.

For patients who do not wish to infiltrate, Dr. Beatriz Beltrán advises a laser treatment. «The Fotona Smooth helps correct expression lines without the need for fillers or muscle relaxant. It works with an erbium laser that has a much longer pulse length than usual therefore exerts a tightening effect and corrects wrinkles without damaging the fabric. It is advisable to carry out 3 sessions, one a month. This treatment requires about 3-4 days of complete recovery since it can leave the area a little red, although it can be covered with makeup ».

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