
what are your actual BENEFITS

For all small and medium-sized companies, having the SME certificate can mean obtaining benefits that go beyond just belonging to a category

Due to their size and limited structure, the small and medium businesses They are the hardest hit by the economic crisis of recent years, a situation that was deepened by the coronavirus pandemic. To get out of this situation of confinement and obtain various financial benefits and tax, it is important to obtain the SME certificate.

In short, the SME certificate has three big Benefits: First, it provides a series of tax facilities for firms that obtain it, such as a reduced rate for employer contributions, the reduction of exports up to $ 50 million or the possibility of accessing credits to subsidized rates.

Among the great variety of advantages, the possibility of paying the VAT 90 days and certificate of non-retention, among other aspects that will develop iProfessional in this note, based on various experts consulted.

Secondly, the banks that finance the SMEs to low rate would be favored, because the central bank reduces the lace of money to these entities in such case. So they can generate Profits with those weights released by granting these credits, since otherwise they would have them “parked” and without obtaining any rent.

According to him BCRA, this measure “will release funds that will allow to increase in up to around 60% the credit in pesos available for small and medium Business and in better financial conditions. ”

And thirdly, the SME certificate provides better conditions to place Mutual Investment Funds (FCI) that they invest mostly in SMEs.

In fact, the investments of Legal persons in the industry of FCI Open They totaled $ 897,917 million last March, a figure that shows an increase of 19.4% compared to December 2019. Of that amount, the mutual funds of SMEs they represent $ 164,000 million in shares, distributed in 36,400 accounts (the total registered in FCIA is 414,000).

Incentive for SMEs

To get an idea about the implementation of the SME certificate you should go back just a few years. In August 2016, Law 27,264 was passed (SME Law), which established benefits for micro, little and medium businesses.

Fact that generated that until December 2019 there are approximately 400,000 Registered SMEs over a potential universe of 800,000.

“As of January 2020, with the SME moratorium which allows to forgive interests and fines in AFIP and a plan Payments up to 120 months, the payment of salaries by the state and credits to 24%, said number would have risen to 600,000 SMEs, according to the reports obtained, “highlights iProfessional Alfredo Marseillan, former Undersecretary of Financing of the Ministry of Production.

To get an idea of ​​the main Benefits which grants the SME certificate, the power to pay the VAT to 90 days. “Important measure since many times the small or medium business had to pay the VAT out of his pocket as he charged his bill after the date of expiration of the tax“stresses this expert.

In addition, it limits that depending on the category of Pyme, “can be recovered against Income tax up to 100% of check tax subscriber”.

“These two elements were the most used since the sanction of the Law“he comments Marseillan.

Also, the Business that have SME certificate can access a warranty of SGR, which allows them to access subsidized rates at capital market, among other advantages.

The SME certificate makes it possible to access a series of tax and financial benefits

SME Certificate: who can have it

In this sense, the SME Certificate is the key to accessing an extensive series of Benefits by the State and of the financial entities. Currently, “the letter of representation of the SMEs without a doubt it is the SME certificate, because it allows them to access different tax benefits at the national level, as well as at the provincial“summarizes iProfessional Silvia Andrea Tedin, member of San Martin Suarez y Asociados (SMS), in charge of SME Mission.

And as if that were not enough, “it is the magic card to access possible financing channels, something that today is essential to continue forward in the context of the situation that they are going through,” he adds.

As information, the Small and Medium Business Secretariat and the Entrepreneurs Through Resolution 52/2020, it formalized on April 24, 2020 the one-time extension until June 30 of this year, the validity of the “MyPyme certificates“, in the context of the emergency of Covid-19, whose maturities ended in May.

“Therefore, the micro, small and medium enterprises that have year-end closing in December or January will continue with the certificates in force until June 30, 2020, “he tells iProfessional Patricio Urretavizcaya, manager Fiscal advice of SMS.

To limit that, with this modification, the automatic renewal It should have started in April, it would only start in June 2020 due to the coronavirus pandemic.

“Those Business that due to their particular situation, they should request it or recategorize, they can do it for the manual routeUrretavizcaya.

It is important to remember that can request the SME certificate all the monotributistas and freelancers, such as professionals, entrepreneurs, merchants. They are also enabled to request it societies. And in general, merchants and small and medium firms.

Requirements to qualify as an SME

How do i know if i am Pyme? There is a table that depending on the billing amount annual and the item to which it belongs that establishes the upper limits to belong to each category. That is, the one registered that exceeds the limit of medium-sized company section II, it is not an SME and cannot access the SME certificate.

The billing amounts to obtain this classification are gone updating each determined arbitrary period, driven by high inflation that has been registered in the country for the last years and that promoted as secondary problem to what signatures ascend in the categories nominally. That is, involuntarily and without “fundamentals” in its structure and without a expense greater than units that justifies it.

Also, at medium businesses they are subdivided in terms of sales in two categories: “section 1” and “section 2“, In order to better differentiate those firms who are closer to being little compared to those that are closest to hitting the jump to become big companies. But they can still access the benefits of the SME certificate.

The last upgrade check the following limits of sales in pesos:

Annual sales of MSMEs influence determining their category

Annual sales of MSMEs influence determining their category

In this way, to be a micro company, the maximum annual sales must be $ 15,230,000 for those of the building, $ 8.5 million for those of services, $ 29,740,000 for Commerce, $ 26,540,000 million for industry and mining, and $ 12,890,000 as a limit to enter the sector agricultural.

Meanwhile, to be a little organization, the maximum annual sales must be $ 90.3 million for those of the building, $ 50.95 million for services, $ 178.86 million for Commerce, $ 190.4 million for industry and mining, and $ 48.48 million as a cap on the item agricultural.

To consider yourself a medium business “section 1“, the highest allowed ceiling of annual sales is $ 503.88 million for those of the building, $ 425.17 million for services, $ 1,502.75 million for Commerce, $ 1,190.33 million for industry and mining, and a maximum of $ 345.4 million to access in the agricultural.

Finally, to register as medium-sized company “section 2” and also access the SME certificate, the limit to sign up as Mypyme is annual sales is $ 755.7 million for those of the building, $ 607.2 million for services, $ 2,146.8 million for Commerce, about $ 1,739.6 million for industry and mining, and less than $ 547.89 million for the item agricultural.

As detailed by AFIP, The amount of sales comes from the average of the last 3 business exercises or years prosecutors, excluding the VAT, internal taxes that could correspond and deducting up to 75% of the amount of the exports.

Also, the official body details that if the registered change of exercise or modify the amounts of income, when they make the recategorization and a new one is loaded exercise fiscal, they will be assigned a new category.

Additionally, the calculation will be excluded Value Added Tax and the internal taxes if applicable.

“It should be clarified that those Business that carry out the main activity financial intermediation and insurance service or services real estate, they have to meet a additional parameter to that of total annual sales, since its assets cannot exceed the amount equal to $ 193,000,000. This value arises from the last Sworn declaration of the Income Tax expired at the time of application for registration, “clarifies Tedin.

Finally, the expert of SMS complete that in case they develop activities of commission agents or of Travel agencies, sales and assets will not be observed, but the Quantity of employees.

So they can register in the “Registry“those Business that meet the following number of employees, according to him item or the sector:

The number of workers is important in some companies it is important to obtain the SME Certificate

The number of workers is important in some companies to obtain the SME Certificate

“They may be SMEs Both human people like the legal they develop economic activity Independent. A dentist than bill is Pyme, for example. This point is important since, in general, individuals do not identify themselves in this way, “highlights Marseillan.

For check in and be enabled to obtain these benefits, the Procedure from the portal Internet of the Afip, and there it is agreed that this collection agency shares its information with the Secretary Pyme (Sepyme) of the Ministry of Production, who keeps the record and grants the SME certificate. This certificate is renewed annually.

Real benefits of the Pyme Certificate

To know if the SME certificate really useful for micro, small and medium enterprises, iProfessional consulted with different sectoral actors.

For example, Vicente Lourenzo, member of the SME Commission of the Professional Council of Economic Sciences of the Buenos aires city (CPCECABA), summarizes this medium: “The SME certificate It is an ideal instrument for channeling both public and private aid to a certain sector of the economy. It is the way to identify the most vulnerable sector and have it classified

In this sense, he completes: “It is not the same micro pyme what a middle section II. That is, the SME certificate allows me to direct or guide the policies of State. For example, in the current moratorium, it allows the micro pyme access it without any payment on account, thereby acknowledging the vulnerability financial of this sector “.

Regarding the query about whether you have unfavorable points, this categorizationsentence: “I do not recognize disadvantages. Some colleagues think it is discriminatory for those who could not access said SME certificate. I do not agree with this vision since the requirements for obtaining it have been greatly relaxed. ”

Specifically, it summarizes Lourenzo what if he State makes available lines with subsidized rate, it is “totally correct” that you ask for the SME certificate so that this line “is not usufructed by big enterprises, something that would undermine the objective of that fiscal effort. ”

The SME certificate offers certain specific benefits to companies

The SME certificate offers certain specific benefits to companies

Several little and medium businesses agree that the SME Certificate it is useful for the sector.

According Santiago Rodríguez Lucca, Bergson CEO, quote firm of insurance, “the SME certificate serves in a state of normality, where the billing exists and allows to work. The deferral at VAT allows us to have balance availability for longer term and stick to a cashflow often unpredictable. ”

It also reports that the payment on account of Income tax taken from tax to the check it is an “interesting benefit”. Although he stresses that, in return, “requires having everything in order to process and have this constancy, not a minor issue in an SME “.

For Gonzalo Chiarullo, CEO of the firm of Mahout Capital investments, “the SME certificate it is highly valid for these firms, more in this context. Although it emerged several years ago, and immediately aroused much interest among managers, being able to pay the VAT 90 days and the plan moratoriums with extended term today, to pay off debts, they are the points of greatest consultation. ”

And he adds: “We hope, once everything returns to a pre-quarantine normality, that the queries migrate a little more to the credit bills, an instrument that should strongly channel liabilities balances in pesos of Business and insurers they need to place them. ”

For that, Chiarullo highlights that “with the quarantine and the enormous retraction of economy, many SMEs they will find it difficult to stay in a position to renew the certificate, reason why it would be necessary to anticipate and extend it without requiring optimal conditions such as compliance with tributes, who have stopped subscribing prioritizing the payment of wages

For him financial market and investor, companies that have the same have also become attractive SME Certificate.

According Fernando Luciani, CEO of Argentine Stock Market (MaV), this “matters in the MAV because there are certain financial products that cannot be bought by investment funds if they don’t have the SME certificate of the seller”.

That is, “the benefit on the financing the importance, but it serves as statistical data to know who is who in detail “, completes iProfessional.

In fact, a portfolio expert from a private bank affirms to this medium that the Finvestment waves (FCI) specific to SMEs they must be 75% of SME assets. “As there is much more demand of Pyme products than offerSmall and medium-sized firms will benefit from the FCI competing with each other for having them to offer their SME funds. ”

“So it is very likely that the cutting rate for finance having the SME certificate be lower than if it were for a Common Negotiable Obligation (ON) and system current. This occurs only because the flow of this instrument “, ends.

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