
Uneven start in retail stores with “delivery” sales

After 30 days of total disqualification to operate in most of its items, the retail trade began to take advantage of this week the new enabled scheme of sale only via delivery.

The start was uneven and went through various implementation difficulties, especially in the interior, where each locality has been operating with its own schedules, circulation and habilitation schemes.

In this Capital, a first survey carried out by the Córdoba Chamber of Commerce on a limited sample of premises belonging to eight items (clothing, toys, jewelry, optics and others) showed that 50 percent resumed their activities.

Among those who claimed to be working, 68 percent said they were using delivery and, in this group, half said they rely on authorized logistics providers, while the other half use their own delivery service.

“It is a small sample to have a start thermometer. We know that the general expectation is to be able to generate some income, even if it is to cover part of the costs, because more than that it is very difficult, “said José Viale, president of the entity.

According to an estimate by that organization, businesses that can reactivate more quickly via delivery They may bill between 10 and 12 percent of the usual.

From the entity they specified that, although there are businesses that are not yet functioning, they are already preparing permits and diagrams of activities to adapt the structures to these circumstances.

“There are those who seek to promote sales systems on line and those who only focus on rearranging merchandise, ”they explained.


The situation in the provincial interior is much more diverse, due to the great variety of provisions in force in each of the 427 municipalities and communes.

“Each district has its own rules regarding the opening of shops, circulation or traffic restrictions, the operation of the cadeteria, and so on. From Monday I would say that what we receive the most are inquiries regarding how to adapt to each of these situations ”; said Ezequiel Cerezo, president of the Córdoba Trade Federation (Fedecom).

As an example, he pointed out that there are cases such as municipalities that prohibit the entry of vehicles to the downtown area, or that in the matter of deliveries allow the circulation of cadets enabled long ago.

However, the organization to make home deliveries will work against the clock. “The shopping centers in each town are collaborating with their associates. I even know of a case in which the center offered its headquarters as a collective warehouse for merchandise, ”said Cerezo.

Consumption: Retraction

Survey in Argentina, Chile, Colombia and Peru.

An investigation carried out by Consulting Boston Group in several South American countries reveals that 74 percent of the Argentines consulted plan to reduce their consumption expenses due to the crisis caused by the pandemic. “The consumer becomes more selective and the net decrease in spending affects all product categories, except basic necessities, such as food or personal hygiene,” says the work.

Print edition

The original text of this article was published on 04/22/2020 in our printed edition.

Written by Argentina News

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