
The emotional tribute of TN and La Gente users to the Malvinas veterans

As a result of the mandatory quarantine, former Malvinas combatants commemorate Veterans Day and Memorial Day this Thursday through actions on social networks, without acts or vigils in public places as in previous years.

The only official act was a raising of the flag in which the Minister of Defense, Agustín Rossi, and the top military leaders participated.

Therefore, users of TN and The People, both adults and children who do not forget this day, paid tribute to them from their homes.

– Through a video made by the teachers, the fourth and fifth grade students of school number 1189 in Venado Tuerto they paid tribute to our heroes.

– In the town of General Campos, in the province of La Pampa, the Argentine flag was raised to remember the fallen in Malvinas.

– Jessica with her dad who is a ex-combatant with his grandson hung Argentine flags on the balcony of his Villa Tesei house while listening to the verses of the National Anthem.

– Maria said that for the first time in 26 years, the city of Rio Grande did not perform the classic parade of soldiers. But, the neighbors honored them from their homes.

Mauro He is eight years old and drew a picture to remember the Fallen and Veterans in the Falklands.

– From her house in Río Grande, this girl made fly the Argentine flag.

TN and The People.
TN and The People.

– Since Ushuaia, Priscilla he played the March to the Falklands on his violin.

Written by Argentina News

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