
Extraordinary fair of the Supreme Court for coronavirus: they will only deal with urgent issues

The Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation ordered a extraordinary judicial fair for health reasons, in keeping with the quarantine and social isolation that the Executive Branch ordered due to the coronavirus.

The measure also applies from this Friday until March 31, as regulated by President Alberto Fernández for the entire population, even with the possibility of extending it depending on how mandatory social isolation results.

Although the Court ordered that Yes urgent matters will be attended with a minimum guard in topics such as detainees, urban and domestic violence, crimes against public health, immigration crimes, interruption of communications, use of calamity, sexual crimes and those against security and public order.

Until Thursday, the courts were serving with minimal staff in each agency, but now there will be many that will not be open.

Yes there will be a judge and a federal prosecutor on duty, for the most important topics. In addition, the Court enabled the possibility of making a home office to those who can, depending on their tasks.

Written by Argentina News

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