
Dollar today in Bolivia: Bolivian exchange rate to the US dollar on March 16 (USD / BOB)

On the last day the Bolivian it was negotiated at 07:17 a $ 6.70, which meant a decrease of 1.51% compared to $ 6.80 the previous day.

Considering the last week, the Bolivian Bolivian / Dollar (BOB / USD) marks a decrease in 0.41%, so that in interannual terms it still maintains a decrease in 2.23%. In relation to previous days, it reversed the result of the previous day, when it ended with an increase of 0.73%, without being able to establish a trend defined in recent dates. In the last week the volatility was clearly higher than the accumulated in the last year, which indicates that the value undergoes greater changes than the general trend.

In the annual photo, the Bolivian Bolivian / Dollar (BOB / USD) it has been paid at a maximum of $ 6.86, while its lowest level has been $ 6.69. The Bolivian Bolivian / Dollar (BOB / USD) it is closer to its minimum than to its maximum.

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