
15 officials from the Ministry of Social Development resigned

The resignations were a consequence of the purchase of noodles, sugar, lentils, oil, flour and milk powder at values ​​above the “witness prices”

The Minister of Social Development of the Nation, Daniel Arroyo, asked for the resignation of Gonzalo Calvo, the Secretary of Articulation of Social Policy, who had been left in the eye of the storm after learning about the purchase of food destined to dining rooms with surcharges. Along with Calvo, all the officials who report to his secretary also resigned, completing a total of fifteen resignations.

Calvo was named by Arroyo as the first person responsible for the purchase of noodles, sugar, lentils, oil, flour and powdered milk at values ​​above the “witness prices” set by Sigen.

Arroyo admitted on Monday that, “in the case of sugar and oil, the prices are above the fixed prices“, and alleged that he had asked for reductions but that the companies” stood up “.

One of the most resonant cases was that of oil, purchased from the company Sol Ganadera at $ 157.80 a 1.5-liter unit, while the product can be found in Care Prices at $ 98. In total, the emergency purchase of food for dining rooms and picnic areas was more than 530 million pesos.

In addition Calvo, the renounced are the following:

  • Carlos Montaña, Undersecretary for Critical Assistance.
  • Fabio Frega, Coordinator of Comprehensive Approach Planning.
  • Pedro Procopio, coordinator of the Metropolitan Deposit.
  • Ana Barcheta, national director of Emergency.
  • Carolina D´Ambrossio, technical coordinator of Direct Social Assistance.
  • Florencia Plano, Director of Critical Assistance.
  • Agustina Brea, director of Institutional Assistance.
  • Gastón Lasalle, national director of Management and Urgent Assistance.
  • Cristian Escudero, director of Urgent Aid.
  • Victor Oviedo, coordinator of Assistance to Non-Governmental Institutions.
  • Ignacio Sabaini, coordinator of Urgent Aid Management.
  • Gabriel Giurliddo, director of Family and Community Workshops.
  • Federico Ludueña, National director of Social and Productive Articulation.
  • Gustavo Cassieri, director of Assistance for Special Situations.

From the Ministry of Social Development they clarified to the Buenos Aires newspaper Página / 12 that none of these second-line officials were asked to resign, acknowledging that there are among them “valuable people with a long history in public service

With the departure of Calvo and the officials in his portfolio, the first casualties occur in the government of Alberto Fernández, who, after the media reported the purchase of food with prices above the maximum, came out to warn that ” would corrupt “in his government.

Calvo had already been removed from office last year by the mayor of the party of Admiral Brown (south of Greater Buenos Aires) Mariano Cascallares, after a video was released through social networks in which he allegedly appeared receiving a bribe from the security company “Líderes”.

Justice dismissed the complaint, the process was never advanced because they did not find any irregularities, “they maintained from the Ministry of Social Development. In addition to his position in the secretariat of Admiral Brown, Calvo had been part of the team of Alicia Kirchner when she was Minister of Social Development of the Nation .

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